3 Weird Scrapbooking Ideas to Boost Creativity

No wonder that scrapbooking is so big these days, especially with the advent of the Internet! Scrapbooking is by nature a \”creative hobby\”, but what if you\’re not really in the creative environment, or you need to catch up on some scrapbooking, but you\’re all out of ideas?

It\’s quite frustrating!

And the more you accumulate photos, the more overwhelming your scrapbooking projects shortly become, and the last thing you want is for something that is supposed to be fun and relaxing to turn into more of an \”agreement\” that needs to be attended to!

So, to break the mold and make scrapbooking fun again, rinse wash and repeat these steps:

1- Organize!

Please, if you have a desk, whith only heaps and heaps of random bits of paper, photos, and half an album, it\’s no wonder that can not be in the flow with Scrapbooking Ideas. (Same goes for the computer\’s hard drive- keep it clean!) Pick up a system of sorts and stick with it. You can organize by date, events, people, places, what works for you, just make sure it is easy to implement and it\’s fun to do! If you have a busy schedule like most people today do, set aside a few minutes, maybe once a week on Sunday afternoon, or whatever, to organize as soon as scrapbooking items you\’ve collected over the week . Then, when it\’s time to sit down and put it all together, it is not overwhelming.

2 – There is always something useful to jot down ideas and inspiration, when it come to you in a moment.
The thing about creativity is that not anyone can be creative all the time, it comes in spurts and often very random spurts. (Mine often come in the shower or car) So keep something around what works for you. Whether it\’s a notebook on your smartphone, Evernote service, or just a small notebook. Make sure it is practical and easy to use for you, or you or you probably will not use it!

3 – Avoid Multi-tasking
I know it sounds weird to say that you need to focus, to scrapbook, because the that sounds like work, and scrapbooks are supposed to be fun! Well, I found that my scrapbooking projects (and anything else in life) it is necessary to put aside all distractions and concentrate on one thing and one thing at a time. The same goes for scrapbooking. If you planned on Saturday afternoon three to five as your \”Me time\”and then make sure you put aside all distractions. Let your family know that he is \”temporarily unavailable\” shut off your phone, computer and television (unless you enjoy it in the background while scrapping) and just get to the fun part. You will often find that once you do this and just start, the creativity starts flowing, and before you know it is over time, and you still have scrapbooking ideas that come to you on the left and right ! (just make sure you repeat the process and record them in the moment if you can\’t finish them at the time being!)

(Be sure to repeat the process and record them for next \”me time\” if you can not stop them now!) For more scrapbooking ideas and a great place to meet with like minds as scrapers for retreats, see my contact box below:) I hope you Enjoy!

Author Bio: For more Scrapbooking ideas and tips, or to find Scrapbooking Retreats visit my site, or join the conversation on Facebook

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: scrapbooking ideas, scrapbooking tips, scrabpooking

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