Procrastination – a Big Barrier on Your Way to Achieving Your Fitness Goals

The reason a huge majority of people has poor fitness levels is procrastination. Do you feel that your lunch meeting is more vital than your cardio session? Have you been pushing off joining your neighborhood gym till you complete the project you are handling at work? Or do sit on the couch with those finger chips and watch TV every day when you get home from work, thinking you will hit the treadmill the day after? Remember, procrastination will soon become a habit and your weight loss goal will stay unattained if you do not get up and start working on it now.

The first step

The first thing to do is goal setting. Make up a comprehensive health and fitness plan. Include targets to improve your nutritional habits (eating several small meals at regular intervals instead of three huge ones), take in supplementation (multi-vitamins and the like), time periods of workout sessions (say, dedicating 30 minutes every day) and your ultimate goal – the target weight you want to reach.

Plan of Action

Modern life continuously bombards people with demands on time and attention. A clear goal that you make today can get blurred in the rush of tomorrow. So it is vital that you not only set goals but write them down as well. Written goals will help you stay focused, just as blinders reduce outside distractions. While you set your goal into words your mind clearly defines what it is that you want exactly. Specifically identify your need – what you want to achieve in terms of health, fitness and weight loss. Write down how you want to look, how you want to feel when you each your goal, and also what you want to do to reach that goal.

Write your goal on a note card and keep it at a place where you can see it frequently. It will remind you to stop procrastinating and work towards reaching your goal.

Setting Priorities

Once you complete your “what and how” list, assign priority levels to the items. Start off with easily attainable goals that will not take up too much of your time. Accomplishing them will boost our will power to stick to the rest of your list.

Solutions to Roadblocks

You may need to rearrange your schedules to fit in time for workouts and meal preparations. Some of your weight loss priorities may even call for difficult decisions like changing gyms or joining fitness groups. Often when you look at what prevents you from reaching your goal you lose enthusiasm and get busy with other things. If that happens, read your list again, visualize how you will look and feel once you attain your desired result, and stay dedicated to your plan of action.

Set Deadlines

Set a target date by which you want to accomplish your fitness goal. Deadlines create a sense of urgency. Having a clear idea of the target date will challenge you to act at the moment and help you concentrate on the goal at hand.

Building up a support system helps to stay motivated. Consider joining slimming clubs or hiring personal trainers or enlist the aid of friends and family members. Exercise and follow diet plans together, you will be able to inspire each other towards your common weight loss goal.

Author Bio: If you would like to attend Boot Camps Cronulla, or book for a Boot Camps Sydney session, visit Bootcamps in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camps Cronulla

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