Financial Planning During a Recession

What is financial planning? When executed correctly, it is the utilization of a professional in the financial field to help you determine what is the best allocation of your resources to enhance your financial health and achieve your financial goals.

Financial Planning hasn\’t changed, but the environment it is being practiced nowadays certainly has. True Financial Planning is the matching of solid financial products and services with the needs of the client. During my 20 years as a financial planner with a Fortune 100 company, it wasn\’t that difficult as the products available just before and after the 1990s were reliable and offered reasonable returns. Most investments you threw a dart at had a positive return.

Obviously those days have long gone. The stock market roughly where it was ten years ago, and the big question with real estate now is, \”are we at the bottom yet\”? The real problem with traditional financial planning is the diminishing strength and reliability of this model\’s foundation – American corporations. The challenges with corporate America are:

1. The downfall in the economy that has greatly diminished their returns (the stock market is roughly where it was ten years ago, with inflation dragging the results down even further).

2. The lack of proper regulation has allowed companies and institutions to practice deceptive and unreliable business practices (S&L crisis of the 1980s, the Hedge Fund debacle of 2009, Madoff, …).

3. Corporate valuations are too easily manipulated and falsely reported on (WorldCom, Enron, Arthur Anderson, … ).

4. Excessive CEO compensation, regardless of management performance, further dwindles investment profits (2008 mortgage crisis, government bank bailouts, …).

This brings all three pillars of traditional financial planning into question.

1. Stocks are dependent on the economy\’s growth and the reliability of corporate accounting – both of which are currently in doubt.

2. Corporate bonds are dependent on corporate growth and stability and government bonds are dependent on the state\’s or country\’s overall stability – none of which makes me all that confident that the meager returns they deliver are worth the risk.

3. Real Estate is dependent on the wages from corporate America and the ability of individuals to pay off their mortgages and rental income – which is in jeopardy.

Obviously the basic tenets of financial planning haven\’t really changed, but to create a successful financial plan in today\’s market requires new thinking. So where does an
innovative financial planner find reliable and profitable products and services? Though the answer may scare you, progressive financial planners are increasingly turning to a time tested arena: expert trading systems in commodities, and the highly lucrative Forex markets.

Of course to be successful in these markets, more than ever you need truly expert planning delivered by seasoned professionals. What makes these markets so lucrative (less regulation, high volatility, high leveraging) also makes them too risky to participate in without proper guidance. But the potential rewards have no rival compared to anything else the traditional markets have to offer. A 5% monthly return is the starting point we ask for from the expert trading services we have located.

This is why we have partnered with a seasoned financial expert to help guide you through the exciting prospects available in today\’s economic climate. Imagine actually being excited by current financial opportunities. Well, we are, and there\’s no reason you can\’t be as well. Remember that a recession or depression is really just a transfer of wealth. You can be on the receiving end of that reallocation.

The company we have partnered with is founded by a former trader, Wharton school of business MBA graduate, and member of Mensa. We haven\’t found any better guidance in today\’s turbulent markets and invite you to look into the services they have to offer.

1. A written customized plan to establish a passive income business.
2. Thorough due diligence on several expert trading systems and additional services offered.
3. Access the top 1% of expert traders who have historically netted an average of 6% monthly or more in profits.
3. Founded and managed by a former trader and Wharton Business School MBA Graduate and member of Mensa.
4. The overriding mission of this service is to empower you and provide you with a philanthropy and charitable opportunity to \”pass it forward\” to others.
5. Ongoing consulting is included.
6. Later, asset protection, and high minimum volume trading services will be available.

The best of luck in all your financial ventures!
Passive Income Opportunities

Author Bio: The author is a former CFP with an MSFS in Financial Planning. Ms. Victoria owned an American Express Financial Services Franchise for 20 years. Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved

Category: Finances
Keywords: investing, forex, ira alternative,high return,financial planning,passive income

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