Why the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet Works

Cleansing the body from toxins is not a new discovery. It has been practiced long before the advent of fast food and processed meat. Cleansing, fasting, and detoxification have been a part of many religious and cultural practices for thousands of years. So why did our ancestors feel the need to cleanse thousands of years ago? Most likely, they were also cleansing to eliminate toxins absorbed from foods and the environment, give their digestive system a break, and to feel better and more energetic.

Toxins may come from the foods we eat such as meats and highly processed foods. Years of ingestion of high fat, high sodium and sugary foods with preservatives and pesticides leads to toxins lodged in our body. Aside from the unhealthy foods, our stressful environment and sedentary lifestyle can also significantly contribute to the problem of toxin build-up and weight gain.

It is important to detoxify your body regularly from all the harmful toxins that may lead to hypertension, kidney, colon, liver problems and a lot more. There are many different detoxification and cleansing methods, but one particular method has been popular the world over for decades. Just mention lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup, and everyone seems to have heard of the master cleanse lemonade diet.

The master cleanse, developed by Stanley Burroughs, started as an ulcer treatment in the 1940s. It later became popular for its detoxifying benefits. After Beyonce Knowles announced how she was able to loose 20 pounds in two weeks in preparation for her role in the movie Dreamgirls, searches for “master cleanse” and “lemonade diet” increased significantly. Other Hollywood stars and celebrities have kept the master cleanse in the limelight.

Those who have tried the master cleanse swear by its efficacy. As an internal cleansing method, its primary intent is to get rid of the toxins that have been building up in your body from years of excessive indulgence. Losing weight is just a bonus you will get from detoxifying your body from all the waste build-up.

So why does the master cleanse work as an internal cleanse to eliminate toxins and weight loss? Why has it been so popular?

– When done correctly, it allows an increase in energy level from eliminating toxins.
– The weight loss is immediate as this is a fasting cleanse and no food is consumed for the duration.
– For those who successfully complete the first three days, the cleanse provides great mental clarity and strength.
– It is an effective tool to help you identify and break food habits.
– It includes lemon juice as the primary ingredient which provides vitamin and citric acid that aids digestion.
– The cayenne pepper breaks down mucus in your body.
– The lemonade cleanse is a simple recipe that makes it easy for people to follow. No complicated recipes and instructions means less chance for mistakes.
– There are numerous convenience products that allow people to do the master cleanse easily.

As in all programs, specific preparations are required to ensure maximum benefits. All you need to do is to follow the instructions. Consult with your dietician or doctor as an added precaution before starting the program.

Author Bio: To make sure you do the master cleanse correctly, check out cleanse directions, and cleanse with the all-natural and convenient Lemonade Cleanse To Go

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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