3 Causes Of Dry Skin In Women

As we begin to age, the most noticeable of all the signs reminding us that time is passing by quickly is that our skin begins to dry out and wrinkles begin to mark our faces. This is simply a natural progression of age and is of no cause for concern at all. At the same time as this aging process begins, other signs will become more noticeable as well, such as our hair slowly changing to silvery grey; and brown spots on our hands and faces (also known as age or liver spots) making an appearance. Look at all these signs and be proud of them, as each one has a strong woman’s tale to tell and they are what make us proud and beautiful.

What is a cause for concern is, however, when our skin dries out and becomes flaky for reasons other than aging. Not only does it look unsightly, but it is usually accompanied by itching; and it could be a sign or symptom of something more serious going on in our bodies. There are many causes of dry, flaky, red and itchy skin in women and set out below are some of them.

1. One of the most common causes of dry, flaky and itching skin that one hardly ever considers is an allergy to either the fabrics our clothes are made out of, or of the washing powders, soaps, gels and softeners our clothes are laundered in. One way of establishing if an allergy to some or all of your clothing (or bed linen, for that matter) is the cause of your dry skin, try sleeping on bed linens and wearing clothes that are made of 100% natural fibres, such as cotton, linen or silk. If all itchiness disappears and your skin feels better and smoother, the man made fabrics are to blame. If the discomfort continues, try changing the washing powder you use to a baby’s brand or to a natural product, to see if that makes a difference. This same basic principle can be used with soaps and shampoos, which are also known to cause terrible itching and dry skin patches in some women, who are usually allergic to the perfumes used in these products.

2. One has to rule out the well known medical causes of dry skin, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, psoriasis and malnutrition – yes, even in developed countries there is a great incidence of malnutrition, mainly caused by diets of all kinds, especially those which exclude a certain food types. A prime example is that of proteins, as when this food type is severely limited or completely excluded, the main symptoms are malady or extreme tiredness, a distended stomach and itchy skin.

3. Heating systems in winter and air conditioners in summer both dry the air in our homes and offices and are well known to cause dry skin, no matter how much moisturizer you lather on. Both these systems also dry the moisture in our eyes, making it very uncomfortable for contact lens wearers too. The best way to combat this dry atmosphere is to keep a dish of water next to you.

Finally, remember that simple moisturizers are just as good as expensive brand names in keeping your skin soft and supple.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Aseptic Techniques Training and Introduction to the Operating Room for Sales Professionals websites.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: diabetes,hypothyroidism,psoriasis,dry skin patches ,sleeping,Dry Skin

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