How To Lose Weight Without Exercise And Diet

If you want to lose weight but the traditional way of strenous exercise and dieting intimidates you, then you may want to take a look in your fridge and thow or give away some common foodstuffs that can make you fat. Like most people, your fridge will probably be stuffed with foods and beverages that are adding calories to your meals without you being aware of it. Herebelow is a list of fattening foods and beverages that are usually found in household fridges.

Deep Fried Potatoes – Deep fried potatoes such as French fries and hash browns are common foods found in fridges. You probably know, deep fried potatoes are very fattening. But how fattening are they?

Well, do you know that just one piece of French fry can pack up to 12 grams of fat? So since one gram of fat contains 9 calories, can you imagine how many calories you are putting into your mouth with just one serving of French fries? Scary, isn\’t it?

Creamy Ice Cream – Do you know that many homes have a tub of ice cream in their freezer? Even if you just consume only half a cup of ice cream serving, you will be adding calories in the form of saturated fat and sugar.

So if you must have your ice cream as dessert, then opt for the lower fat and lower sugar brands. If you are disciplined enough, abstain from sweet desserts or not even having desserts for that matter in order to lower your caloric consumption.

Alcoholic Beverages – Do you know that just one gram of alcohol has an equivalent of 7 calories? Furthermore, these are empty calories which do not give you any nutritional benefits. The calories in alcohol is almost double that of carbohyrate and protein because one gram of protein or carbohydrate has only 4 calories. Besides, these calories are nutritional and so not all of them are stored as fat.

So if you are a heavy drinker, you will be drinking loads of empty calories. So how can you lose weight that way?

Sugary Drinks – If you drink sugary soft drinks or sweetened coffee and tea very often, you may lose a few pounds of your weight by just cutting out on these sugary beverages and switch to drinking plain water instead. The sugar spikes an insulin surge in your bloodstream and make your body store fat as a result. No, the use of artificial sugar is not the answer, but that is for another article.

So clear out your fridge of any sugary drinks. Plain water is best for hydrating your body and as such, plain water should make up most of what you drink.

Processed meat – Processed meat is any meat that is preserved by smoking, curing, salting or with the adding of chemicals as preservatives. These types of meats not only make you fat, they are also suspected to be linked to an increased risk of getting certain types of cancers. Some researchers think that certain substances used in the chemicals and preservatives may be the reason that causes cancers.

So it is time to stop eating processed meats like sausages, frankfurters, salamis, smoked hams, smoked bacons and any meats sealed in a metal can. Not only will you be slimmer by doing this but may even save yourself from cancers too. So eat only real and natural lean meats.

Mayonnaise – Most people absent mindedly slather on the mayonnaise without thinking too much about it. Are you one of them? This is where if you are not careful, you will be adding tons of calories and fat to what you are eating.The mayo adds taste to your food and a teaspoon or two won\’t hurt. The problem is that most people do not know that the mayo is packed chock full of calories and fat and so slather on thick spreads of it.

So if you want to lose weight fast without going on some fad diet and taking up a strenous exercise regimen, then clear out the above common foods that make you fat from your fridge and watch your weight drop steadily.

Chris Chew is a weight loss personal trainer. If you want to lose weight, then read Get a slim slender body and Lose weight for women to get an attractive body.

Chris Chew is a certified weight loss personal trainer. More articles on his websites at and

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a weight loss personal trainer. If you want to lose weight, then read Get a slim slender body and Lose weight for women to get an attractive body.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: lose weight, exercise, diet, foods that make you fat

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