Tricks in Choosing the Right Pashmina Shawl For You

The Pashmina wool is well recognized as one of the finest Cashmere product in the whole world since it comes with a unique, softer and light weight texture than makes it a great material in making light weight and soft texture clothing apparel like scarf, wraps and other alike. The Pashmina shawls; scarf and wrap became very much popular as a luxurious clothing accessory during the mid 1990’s where people developed a craze with Pashmina products because of its great quality as a wool product and as versatile clothing apparel. Most Cashmere comes with plain Pahmina and others come with the jamawars styles which has both became in demand in the market during the 19th century. However, it was noted through history that the use of Pashmina shawls has been well practiced during the 3rd century BC up to the 11th century AD in the city of Kashmir. During those times, the city was led by Emperor Ashok which has been known to be one of the first users of the Pashmina as a clothing accessory.

But it was on the middle of his reign as a ruler during the 14th century AD when Sultan Zain-Ul-Abidin was considered as the official founder of the Pashmina wool and shawl industry in Kashmir where he introduced the ability of weavers from Central Asia to the Indian nation. Although, the ruler Sultan Zain-Ul-Abidin introduced the Pashmina shawl industry in Persia, still the used of the Pashmina clothing apparel has been widely used by the kings and queens as protective clothing from both hot and cold weather during the earlier periods. According to different sources, the innovations on the traditional Pashmina products where first initiated by emperor Akbar of Mughal. It was written in history that Emperor Akbar was the one who instructed the weavers in experimenting with different style, motif, colors as well as designs in order to greatly improve the quality of the weaver Pashmina shawls, wrap and scarf. The aforementioned act of Emperor Akbar has marked the great improvement in the wool and shawl industry which made a huge difference with the traditional by-products that has been introduced by the early weavers.

The used of different shoulder mantles and shawls has been of great help in serving as the first line of protective by both the rich rules and the poor peasants during the earlier centuries which is still being used at present time serving the same purpose and much more. The Pashmina Shawls has been well used as a clothing accessory that is why choosing the one made out of the most superior quality of wool and Pashmina fiber is the best way for this item to successfully serve its purpose. When purchasing a Pashmina scarf, wrap or shawl it is very important to compare its texture and warmth to other product being presented since the best indication of an authentic Pashmina is the warmth and light quality of the material. So it is very significant to inspect the product before purchasing it, select the single product that will give you the ultimate feeling of warmth, comfort and firmness that is the shawl made out of authentic Pashmina wool.

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Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: pashmina shawls

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