Archive for the "Hobbies" Category


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Pashmina Shawls: How to Wear

There are different ways on how to wear a pashmina shawl. As mentioned before, pashminas can now be worn not only to keep the person warm but also to accessorize or to add on what the person is wearing. One way to wear pashmina is to ear them as a shawl, just to simply warp […]

Pashmina Shawls: Introduction

Pashmina shawls became a part of every woman’s accessories. Before, it was mostly used to provide warmth for the person who is wearing it. It can be wrapped around the shoulder or around the neck. However, as the years progress, these kind of shawls are used not only to provide warmth but to provide fashion […]

Pashmina Shawl: How to Take Care of It

Pashmina shawls can be very delicate, however with the materials that it is made of and knowing the proper way to care for a person’s pashmina, it will surely last for years. The best way to clean pashminas when it is dirty is to bring them into a dry clean. Most people who works in […]

Pashmina Shawls: Types of Pashmina

Pashmina shawls have different types, which vary in different countries where it is being used since it became well known worldwide. In other countries it can be used as a head accessory, while in some countries it can be used as a neck accessory. However, tying it around the neck like a necktie is the […]

Pashmina Shawls: Where to Get Them

Since the popularity of pashmina shawls, there are several markets that produce pashminas and either sell it online or sell it through any fashion boutiques. However, its mass production can sometimes create confusion to those who are first time buyers of pashmina. Some of the stores claim that they sell authentic pashmina shawls but unfortunately, […]

Singing Lessons – How to Improve Your Breathing Technique

I’ve reviewed quite a few learn-to-sing CDs and one thing a lot of them seem to have in common is the lack of in-depth information on breathing technique. There’s so much detail about breathing properly in order to sing properly that I feel is key to developing a great singing voice. I want to address […]

Getting Started With Cross Stitch, The Easy Way

Cross stitch is a form of embroidery that’s been around for thousands of years. It involves making hundreds of tiny cross shape stitches – hence the name cross stitch – on special fabric. Once completed, these thousands of tiny stitches, form a picture or symbol. Cross stitch can be used to make or improve on […]

How to Make a Wedding Scrapbook

When all the vows have been said, the dress worn and the dust settled on the big day, you will need to start thinking about protecting the many cherished wedding day memories. Perhaps you should preserve that stunning function perfectly in a wedding scrapbook all of your own?! Due to the fact people scrapbook everything […]

Healthy Cooking – Cooking Made Simple

Healthy Cooking, Cooking Made Simple If there is one thing that is on the minds of everyone across the country, it is eating healthy. In a time when people have fast food for dinner more than once a week, it can be just a little bit difficult to get into a healthy mindset when it […]

Blender Soups

That blender sitting on your kitchen counter is more than just a fancy umbrella drink machine. With a little bit of creativity and some helpful recipes, you can use your blender to make creamy, smooth, gourmet style soups. Making your own fresh soup is an excellent way to get your daily servings of vegetables. Blending […]