Archive for the "Publishing" Category


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Finding – Web Content Services – On the Internet

Companies looking for content writers are lucky that we live in the 21st century. With the advent of technology, making themselves well-known across the globe is no longer as difficult as it was before. More and more people are able to access the internet every day, and thus companies are now able to communicate with […]

How to Write Articles – For Your Personal Site

It depends on people how to write articles. They have different techniques and ways on how they write to get them published. Some people use blogs to share their thoughts or maybe submit some samples to newspapers and/or magazines to show off their skill. But since everything is on the computer and internet, a lot […]

How Much Earnings Should Be Expected From Writing a Book

When it comes to writing a book, one of the things that most people ask is \”how much money can I make from writing a book?\” But the answer is complicatd because there is no straight-forward amount of money like \”You\’ll earn $10,000 for every book you write.\” If that was true I\’d write a […]

The Truth About Ebooks That Publishers Don’t Want You to Know

Book publishing and ebook publishing used to take time. Not only that, but it wasn’t easy to do and you could easily get sucked away in the nitty gritty technical side of publishing. Thankfully all that has changed and now ebooks are fast to write and quick to publish. If you were to sit and […]

Money You Can Make Writing a Short Story

I love writing short stories. They are quick to write, fun to write and require no research. And the best part is, you can make a lot of money from writing short stories. In fact, there are fiction writers who earn a regular income from writing and submitting short stories. But how do you know […]

How Much Money Will You Earn From Your Writing?

I often get asked the question “How much money can I earn from my writing?” That question is as irritating as kids in the back seat of the car asking “Are we there yet?” I’d answer both questions like this: “I don’t know how much money you’re going to earn from your writing because I […]

How to Introduce Your Screenplay Characters

Generally, screenwriters introduce their characters within the first ten pages of a screenplay, and the introduction of the character is directly linked with the introduction of your script. Your character will be the one traveling through the scenes, experiencing the unknown and that is precisely why it is so important to introduce your character correctly. […]

Reflections On The Shakespeare Authorship Conspiracy

There appears to be no historical record that William Shakespeare, widely recognized as the greatest writer ever in English history, had an education of any type. His home town of Stratford-upon-Avon did indeed have a grammar school, but since the school\’s attendance records have vanished, there can be no confirmation that Shakespeare actually attended. Shakespeare\’s […]

A.E Waite Communicates New Mystical Concepts In The Book: “The First Truth – A Book Of Metaphysical Theories”

Arthur Edward Waite is best known for the tarot cards that bear his name. However, the tarot cards he co-created with Pamela Cole Smith at the turn of the 20th century reveal nothing of his contributions to occult literature. Waite was a consummate writer in the areas of mysticism and ceremonial magic. He worked arduously […]

Earning Money From Your Writing, Every Day, Every Week, Every Month

Working at home as a writer is a great way to earn money. But your income from your writing needs to be consistent. You need to be making money every day, every week and every month. And your writing income needs to keep increasing. I’ve been working as a writer for years now in one […]