Archive for the "Recreation and Leisure" Category


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Mazelmoments Announces Publication of New Reports Detailing Trends in Wedding, Bar & Bat Mitzvah Party Planning For 2013

New York, N.Y. – Mazelmoments, the New York City-based award-winning website for planning Jewish inspired events, announced today that they will be releasing ground-breaking wedding and party planning reports covering the latest trends in Weddings, Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah celebrations. The reports titled, \”2013 Wedding Trends Report,\” which focuses on Jewish Weddings, and \”2013 […]

Houston Wildest Nightlife Ending in a Regretful Tattoo

We’ve all been there at one time or another. It seems like you have hit every spot in a Houston nightlife directory, the world is spinning, and you feel like you could do just about anything. The next thing you know, you are waking up in the morning and you feel sore. Maybe it’s on […]

Houston Top 5 Nightclub Danger Zone Areas

If you\’re going out on a Friday or Saturday night and are planning on hitting any of the bars or dance clubs, you will likely get into some kind of Houston nightclub discussion with your friends before you leave. I know I go through it every weekend with my buddies before we decide to go. […]

Houston Top 3 Nightclub Bar Snacks for the Lonely

We have all had those nights where things do not go well at the bar or club and you end by yourself. You are sitting there, there isn\’t much going on except for your friend making progress with the girl on the other end of the bar, and you aren\’t sure if you should stay […]

Houston Weirdest Entertainment After 2 A.M.

I am not as young as I used to be. Staying out until all hours of the night just doesn’t have the same appeal as it had for me when I was younger. Most of the Houston nightlife events I attend nowadays are usually over by about one or two in the morning. There has […]

Houston Top 2 Nightclubs With Ambulances Waiting By

I recently had some Houston nightclub interaction with some people to try and find out some of the more edgy places where it might be fun to party for a night. You see, my buddy is getting married and we wanted to have a bachelor night for him and do some crazy stuff. To do […]

Houston Shocking Nightlife Discoveries

After having spent so much time going to bars, dance clubs and nightclubs, there is not much about what occurs there that I could really consider shocking anymore. The nightlife in Houston offers up a lot of different things to those of us who take part in it. There are still some things that happen […]

Houston Top 5 Nightclub Flaming Cocktails

Normally, I am pretty much strictly a beer drinker. I have found, through trial and error, that when I start mixing different types of drinks together on a night out that it just gets me into trouble one way or another. However, there are occasions where my buddies and I get a little crazy and […]

Houston Prime Nightlife Before the Zombie Apocalypse

You know it’s coming. It could happen any day now. You see television shows, movies, video games, books – it’s everywhere you look today. You can’t stop it so you may as well try to make the best of the bad situation. When it comes to seeking out some Houston nightlife interactivity, find the prime […]

Celestron NexStar 8SE Telescope – So Very Simple

Most people are fascinated by the night sky and on a clear night with the naked eye alone we can see thousands of stars. However its only when you use a telescope will you start to get some appreciation of how many are actually are. It’s estimated that as many as 100 billion galaxies may […]